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Today @ MAND: September is Hunger Action Month!

September 8th, 2021

September is “Hunger Action Month” from GBFB and Feeding America.

We need your help throughout the month of September to help us raise awareness about the issue of hunger in our community.
During the month of September, The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) and the Feeding America network will raise awareness about hunger and we’re asking you to join us during this nationwide month of action.

You can Choose to end hunger by donating, fundraising, volunteering, learning about hunger in your community, or advocating for food assistance.

  • Raise awareness about hunger on social media. Share your pictures, stories, and calls to action on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Check out the weekly themes below! As part of MAND, let us know via social media what you and/or your company may be doing this month to participate and be sure to tag us!
  • Tag @Gr8BosFoodBank and use the hashtags #HungerActionMonth, #EndHungerHere, and/or #EveryActionCounts so we can amplify your posts! Be sure to tag #eatrightma as well 🙂
  • Wear orange, the national color of hunger, on Hunger Action Day (Friday, September 17) and post a selfie. Boston landmarks will be lit orange that day as well!
  • Donate-
  • Volunteer-


Have you thought about posting to the blog, but don’t know what you could contribute? 

At MAND we welcome anything from recipes, your personal update, interesting research articles (almost a mini lit review), pictures from events, podcasts people have been listening to, etc. Just include any resources. Make sure to include your very favorite photo!

Send us an email:

Please note we check this email about 1-2 times each week. We receive many submissions, but will do our best to reply to each request.

Disclaimer of Liability: The Massachusetts Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Blog strives to provide evidence-based nutrition information. Nothing on this website, its associated blog, or any social media channels should be considered advice or diagnosis. The content is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for personal, professional medical care or diagnosis. MAND does not endorse any products or services mentioned. You are urged to consult your primary care provider regarding any health condition or issue. MAND is not responsible for the content or claims of third party websites or providers.

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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President's Welcome

Message from Outgoing MAND President, Sangeeta Pradhan

Hello RD and NDTR friends,

As my term as President draws to a close, I am filled with an immense sense of gratitude to be given the incredible honor of serving as your President. I ask for your indulgence as I share a few parting words with you.

Everything about food and nutrition inspires and energizes me. Do you feel the same way? This innocuous entity called food holds the power to transform health, to be a game changer, and to arguably change the course of chronic disease. Which itself is awe-inspiring!

And RDs are uniquely positioned to be stewards of that change!

View More> 


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There are no job opportunities posted at this time.

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MDEF Scholarships

For 2024, MDEF will be giving out two MDEF scholarships and one MDEF Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) scholarship to deserving nutrition students, each in the amount of $1500. Please pass along to any nutrition students or interns who may be eligible to apply!

All applications are due by May 31st