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RD Spotlight: Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, MS, RD, CDCES, LDN, NASM-CPT

February 29th, 2024

Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes was recently featured on Hub Today from the NBC 10 Boston News Station for Black History Month. We got to ask her a few questions about her time on TV as well as about Black History Month! Check out some of the details below, and here is the link to see her featured on the news segment,  

In regards to this opportunity to feature on HUB Today, Sue-Ellen says, “The title of my segment was ‘Soul Food with a Twist.’ It’s a show I watch periodically so I reached out to propose the idea. I provided simple nutrition info to the audience showing them that soul food can be delicious and nutritious. I brought soul food dishes and demonstrated that with a few modifications you can reduce salt, saturated fat and sugar while still maintaining its delicious taste.I shared 360Girls&Women® signature Afro-Caribbean Plantain Collard Green appetizers, Black-eye Peas dip, Collard Greens, Smoked Blackeye Peas, and our Sweet Potato Pie which are all plant- based recipes. In addition, I shared a delicious sorrel that was given to me by a friend and fellow RD.” 

When asked about Black History Month specifically, she had this to say, “I was able to celebrate black history month on NBC10 Boston, HUB Today and that was huge. Why? Because I am a black dietitian and you don’t see many black dietitians on TV. Representation matters and I want someone to say, hey I want to be like her one day. I want to give hope to future dietitians that look like me. This is one way of increasing the diversity in the dietetics field. Getting out in the community to do the work and getting in front of whomever you need to, so they can see that it can be done!” She goes on to say, “My confidence comes from my faith in God and the more I practice and do my homework the better I become. My mother has always commented on how driven I am. Our passions are unique. I want to make a difference in my life, my family’s life and the life of clients and patients. Without health we have nothing and I want all of us to have access to tools to improve our health.” 

To Registered Dietitians of color, she wants you to know, “Keep pursuing your passions, never, I say never give up. It is okay to take breaks, but don’t give up. If you truly believe that the dietetics field is for you, regardless of what others may say, keep going. Get the support you need and keep at it;” and, to students of color pursuing a career in dietetics, “Seek out black dietitian role models and discuss mentorship or some type of support system. Be involved in community service that serves the people, especially those that look like you.”

For more information on Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, please see our previous blog on her background story here. (

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For 2025, MDEF will be giving out two MDEF scholarships and one MDEF Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) scholarship to deserving nutrition students, each in the amount of $1500. Please pass along to any nutrition students or interns who may be eligible to apply!

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