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Try This Jerk Tofu for a Delicious Plant-Based Meal!

January 6th, 2022

By: Sue-Ellen 360 Girls & Women Jerk Tofu Interested in trying tofu but not sure where to start? Or simply looking to switch up your meals? Give this flavor packed recipe a try! Tofu is quite versatile in that it takes on whatever flavor you season it with. Similar to chicken, it doesn’t have […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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50 Year Member Spotlight!

December 2nd, 2021

By: Cynthia Taft Bayerl, MS RD LDN FAND We are thrilled to highlight Cynthia, one of our 50+ year members, this month as she shares with us lessons learned over the years, advice, memories and more! Best piece of advice: Get involved in community, state, and national nutrition, wellness and public policy initiatives not only […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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Looking and Feeling Your Best Begins with Healthy Habits!

October 13th, 2021

The value of eating well, daily physical activity, and getting adequate sleep can’t be understated as ways to help achieve health and well-being. Your hair, skin, eyes, heart, joints, and muscles will thank you for choosing nutritious food, moving your body, and consuming enough healthy liquids to stay hydrated. Eat Better Do you eat a […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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Today @ MAND: Get Pickin’ at Nourse Farm! Veggie-Based Food Truck, CSA, and More!

August 6th, 2021

It doesn’t get more fresh and farm to mouth literally than at Nourse farm! One of CMDA’s long-time Board member, Catherine Nourse, RD, is the founder of Nourse farm’s Veg Out Food Truck! Head over to fill up on delicious bean burgers, hummus wraps, and more, with ingredients straight from the farm. This year marks […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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Today @ MAND – RDN Day of Giving

March 9th, 2021

Join us on March 10th for our inaugural Day of Giving! Every donation counts, and every penny goes to a future RDN to cover student expenses in scholarship awards. Please join us in support of the Massachusetts Dietitians Education Foundation (MDEF) to raise scholarship funds for future RDs! The first annual Day of Giving will […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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Today @ MAND – Public Policy in November

November 12th, 2020

Time to give thanks and take a breath. It has been a whirlwind of a month. There was snow, an election, soar in COVID cases, 70° weather… and it is only mid-November. So whether you take a breath by enjoying a fall hike or walk, whipping up a recipe with honeynut squash, seeing family or […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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Today @ MAND – Here Comes October

October 1st, 2020

It is difficult to believe that today is the first of October. Time is passing quickly! This week Quynh Tu writes about MAND’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and how they were formed, grew and where they are going. Also Lisa Lombardini shares a great chocolate chip banana bread recipe. Next week consider signing up for […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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Today @ MAND – March 2020

March 18th, 2020

MA Dietitians Education Foundation T-Shirt Fundraiser Buy a shirt (or two!) to help fund scholarships for future nutrition professionals. Visit to get your t-shirt(s). Massachusetts Dietitians Education Foundation (MDEF) is in dire need of donations to its scholarship fund in order to continue providing yearly scholarships to worthy nutrition students and professionals looking to […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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Today @ MAND – February 2020

February 17th, 2020

Part One: Plant Pigment Power of Phytonutrients and Vascular Health By Jody Bergeron, MS, RN Phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients (phyto=plant) are plant based compounds with certain biological actions that sustain human health.  There are literally thousands of theses non-nutritive compounds that can potentially reduce the risk of chronic conditions.   Phytonutrients stimulate enzymes that assist […]

Posted by: Maureen Kelly Gonsalves

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President's Welcome

Message from Outgoing MAND President, Sangeeta Pradhan

Hello RD and NDTR friends,

As my term as President draws to a close, I am filled with an immense sense of gratitude to be given the incredible honor of serving as your President. I ask for your indulgence as I share a few parting words with you.

Everything about food and nutrition inspires and energizes me. Do you feel the same way? This innocuous entity called food holds the power to transform health, to be a game changer, and to arguably change the course of chronic disease. Which itself is awe-inspiring!

And RDs are uniquely positioned to be stewards of that change!

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MDEF Scholarships

For 2024, MDEF will be giving out two MDEF scholarships and one MDEF Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) scholarship to deserving nutrition students, each in the amount of $1500. Please pass along to any nutrition students or interns who may be eligible to apply!

All applications are due by May 31st